Over 4000 people from across the midwest will descend upon Cobo Hall in Detroit, MI over the next few days to attend Macul13. Undoubtedly they will hear dynamic keynotes, learn about cool apps, and get a peek into top edtech teachers classrooms. And, while there are a plethora of excellent sessions to attend, I want to recommend a few "must see" sessions for those of us in an iPad teaching and learning environment.
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Your students next textbook is written by YOU. |
The sessions highlighted below pertain to using iBooks Author to create interactive learning modules (think units of a textbook). All are put on by excellent trainers, most of which, will be apart of this summer's iBooks Author Hackathon--a collaborative effort to create K-12 interactive learning mods. Check these sessions out during Macul, they will get you motivated to hack your students next textbook.
Thursday March 21
iBooks Author For Creating Interactive Books for an iPad - Workshop
1:00-3:00 pm W2-70 By: Dave Tchozewski
Dave Tchozewski +Dave Tchozewski is the Director of Information Technology for Jenison Public Schools and has a real heart for innovating the classroom. He will be running this two hour workshop to give teachers hands on experience with using this fascinating tool.
iBooks Author- Creating iPad Content for Education
4:00-5:00pm O3-45 By: Joanna Montgomery
Joanna is an expert in iBooks Author and did our training for us at Zeeland Public Schools last summer. She also works for Apple and serves as the DE for the east side of Michigan. Joanna will have you hooked on creating iBooks for sure.
Friday March 22
Innovating with iBooks Author and Pages
8:30-9:30 am D3-17 By: Steve Dickie +Steve Dickie
Steve is an incredibly creative and innovative science teacher who is partly responsible for this summers iBooks Author hackathon. He has incredible knowledge of the ins and outs of iBA and is looking forward to leading the east side of the state to author high quality content.
Join the iBooks Author Collaborative
11:30-12:30 pm DO-01A By: Anthony DiLaura +Anthony DiLaura & Steve Dickie +Steve Dickie
This is my session, so of course I think you should attend :) Steve and I are hoping to share with you the plans for this summer's collaborative project that is already spreading across the Midwest. Teachers from all over are coming together to create interactive textbooks. If you teach in an iPad environment you should be here as this is the future of teaching and learning!
iPads, iBooks Author, Screencasts, Edmodo & More: New Tools for High School Teachers
11:30-12:30 pm D3-17 By: Julie Kindred +Julie Kindred and Daniel Telgenhof
If you are wondering what the potential is for iPads and iBooks Author, this is a great session to attend. Julie Kindred, self proclaimed tech-illiterate, created her own AP Statistics book this past summer and is using it to teach her students this year. She will give you the full details of her journey and tell you how it is increasing student engagement and learning. She is a wonderful and charismatic personality that you have to get to know.
Creating Impressive, Interactive iBooks with iBooks Author
11:30-12:30 pm Craig Van Ham
Craig is an incredibly savvy ed tech teacher that cranks out tons of video tutorials on different web 2.0 tools and apps. Craig hosts this wonderful collection of helpful tutorials on MiLearning's iTunesU space. Craig also has created tutorials to get you started using iBooks Author.
So, I encourage you to check out a few of these sessions, get introduced to iBooks Author. And, if you are teaching in a 1:1 iPad environment, or soon will be, then you definitely want to get involved with the iBooks Author Hackathon going on this summer. For more details and registration check out the website here: http://mibookexchange.wix.com/ibahackathon
Disclaimer: I am not sure if there are more sessions going on at Macul highlighting this tool, sorry if I missed someone's session. Please add it to the comment section below.